
CONTRADIcTIONS & PRO-POSITIONS - Art and / as Education
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp

SC / 302 + 304 pages / 28 x 21,5 cm (2x)
Published by
Johan Pas, Nico Dockx & Els De bruyn
Jan Mast in conversation with Nico Dockx
Guido Maes Printingdeluxe, Gent
978 94 9177 547 5
49.50 euros

Is it possible to combine the historical dimension of the art academy with the intention of becoming a laboratory for advanced artistic research? The double publication CONTRADIcTIONS & PRO-POSITIONS is part of a strategy to face this challenge. The first volume, CONTRADIcTIONS intends to be a critical biography of a well-respected art school. Fifteen essays by experts and scholars on the history of the Antwerp Academy shed a light on different aspects of its rich history. The second volume PRO-POSITIONS is more international in scope, and contradicts and interacts with the first. PRO-POSITIONS: Art and / as Education focuses on artist-driven pedagogies and educational projects, with different artists and authors contributing to this anthology of alternatives.

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