
Kwon Dae Sup

SC / 156 pages / 34,5 × 25,5 cm
Published by
MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts
Studio Luc Derycke
978 94 6393 083 3
39.00 euros

Kwon Dae-sup is a Korean contemporary pottery master known for his series of Moon Jars, traditional Korean plain white porcelain which was originally made during the late 17th through 18th century, the late period of the Choson Dynasty (1392-1910). Originally trained as a painter in Honkik University, Kwon was introduced to moon jars in 1970s and became so fascinated that he changed his course of life to pottery. While keeping the tradition of Korean pottery, he attempts to communicate the aesthetics of moon jars to audience of the contemporary world by transferring essential traits of simplicity and a sense of modesty. He breaks all the works that does not satisfy him. He throws away everything that does not move his soul.

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