

SC / 170 pages / 24,5 x 16,5 cm
Published by
MERZ and Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst
NL / FR / EN
Luc Derycke
Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt
90 769 7917 0
22.00 euros

Wiels! Contemporary Arts exhibition – site of the former Wielemans-Ceuppens Breweries in Forest. As a prelude to the Contemporary Art Centre (now opened, 2007), eight artists invite you to a very first discovery of the unique site of the former Wielemans-Ceuppens breweries. Through photography, video and installations, Sven Augustijnen, Anne Daems, Peter Downsbrough, Gilbert Fastenaekens, Michel François, Jan Kempenaers, Christophe Terlinden, and Richard Venlet reflect on the present site’s situation and it’s future. Wiels! emphasises Brussels, the inevitable scene of contemporary creation and provides a view on the international dimension of the future Contemporary Art Centre.

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