Mauro Antonio Pawlowski - Untertanz
cover: Wouter Vanhaelemeesch
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cover: Wouter Vanhaelemeesch
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MER. Paper Kunsthalle foundation was established in 2005 in order to examine the possibilities and position of books as places to exhibit art. Since their incipience, art books often developed as rigid catalogues or aide-mémoires. They were seldom considered as genuine spaces to exhibit living art. However, from Dada onwards artists have always thought of books as independent exhibiting spaces. From its creation onwards, MER keeps building further on this specific artistic practice.
One of MER. Paper Kunsthalle’s main focuses therefore is to provide this singular exhibiting space to artists, by creating an institutional platform that publishes art books in a different fashion. MER. calls itself a Paper Kunsthalle; because it initiates, develops and supports art exhibiting within the medium book.
Since its launch MER. Paper Kunsthalle has produced, curated and published over 300 books with and by underserved to established artists. MER has also experimented with exhibiting artists' books as independent works of art, in artistic spaces. These nomadic, curatorial exhibitions go by the name MER. Station, and have been presented in a wide range of national and international artistic venues.
In 2018 MER. Paper Kunsthalle entrusted its book publishing activities to Borgerhoff & Lambrigts NV, where it continues its programme under the MER. Imprint.
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