
Flemish Art Assets
Kurt Ryslavy

SC / 64 pages / 27 x 21 cm
Published by
Johan Pas, Peter Wächtler
Studio Luc Derycke
Cassochrome, Waregem
978 94 9069 360 2
20.00 euros

Kurt Ryslavy’s 'Flemish Art Assets' is an arrangement wherein Kurt Ryslavy performs as a businessman, selling Austrian wine to the public and painting his bookkeeping; i.e. the bills of the sales he is actually doing on the spot. But Ryslavy is also a businessman and a serious art collector. For the ‘Flemish Art Assets’ project he invited Flemish artists to make a statement about their work(s) within the Ryslavy-collection. Ryslavy asked the artists how they or their gallerists, when selling the works to Ryslavy, viewed him: as a businessman, a collector or as an artist / colleague. The art works from the Ryslavy collection in this books are exposed or projected on December the 1st, 2012 at the Emily Harvey Foundation, New York Broadway. Flemish artists represented in the Ryslavy collection include: Ria Pacquée, Koen Theys, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek, Ane Vester, Ivo Provoost & Simona Denicolai, Vaast Colson, Dialogist Kantor, Willi Van Sompel, Rufus Michielsen, Michael van den Abbeele, Harald Thys & Jos de Gruyter.

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